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Configuring Base Infrastructure

This page explains how to configure base infrastructure according to CSP-specific parameters.


The steps included on this page should be completed by an administrator in your organization.


To change the infrastructure's configuration, click the Definition tab. The buttons in this tab have the following functions:

  • Save Changes saves the current configuration parameters.
  • Delete Configuration deletes the current base infrastructure configuration.
    If you use this button, the infrastructure configuration will not appear in your list of configured infrastructures.
  • Deploy Infrastructure provisions the base infrastructure.
  • Destroy Infrastructure de-provisions the base infrastructure.
  • Force Unlock releases the base infrastructure from a locked state so the infrastructure can be re-deployed.
    This button is useful if the infrastructure provisioner fails during the deployment process. For more information, see Troubleshooting below.

To see the code version of the configuration settings, click the JSON tab.

To change the infrastructure's name, click the Properties tab.

About Deployment

When configuring and deploying infrastructure, you must click Save Changes before you click Deploy Infrastructure.

About Deletion

If you want to delete a configuration from the list in Infrastructure, you first need to deprovision the infrastructure on its configuration page. If you don't, the infrastructure will still exist in your CSP account.

AWS Infrastructure

Screenshot of a blank AWS Infrastructure configuration form.

Select the Region that you want your infrastructure to be deployed in. For more information about Regions, see the AWS documentation.

Click Save Changes, then Deploy Infrastructure.

Azure Infrastructure

Screenshot of a blank Azure Infrastructure configuration form.

Select the Region that you want your infrastructure to be deployed in. For more information about Regions, see the Azure documentation.

In VM Image Resource Group ID, enter the Resource ID of the resource group you want this infrastructure to be associated with (if you don’t have a resource group, you can create one). You can find the Resource ID in the Azure portal by navigating to Home > Pay-As-You-Go | Resource groups > GroupName > Properties > Resource ID.

In VM Image Resource Group Name, enter the name of the resource group you want this infrastructure to be associated with.

In NAT IP Availability Zone, enter the Availability Zone that you want your infrastructure’s IP address to be deployed in. We suggest entering Zone-Redundant in this field. For more information about Availability Zones, see the Azure documentation.

Click Save Changes, then Deploy Infrastructure.

Google Infrastructure

Screenshot of a blank Google Infrastructure configuration form.

Enter the Project ID of the Project that you want this infrastructure to be deployed in. If you don’t have a Project, please see Preparing Google.

Select the Region and Availability Zone that you want your infrastructure to be deployed in. For more information about Regions and Availability Zones, see the Google documentation.

Click Save Changes, then Deploy Infrastructure.


After clicking Deploy Infrastructure, you won’t be able to edit the configuration settings while the infrastructure is being built. All fields and buttons will be grayed out except for Destroy Infrastructure and Force Unlock.

If the Provisioning Log displays any errors in red, you can retry the provisioning process by clicking Destroy Infrastructure, which will delete all of the provisioned elements. Then you can click Deploy Infrastructure to retry the provisioning process.

If the errors persist, you can click Force Unlock. Doing so will allow you to edit the configuration settings or delete the infrastructure with Delete Configuration.


Please monitor the Provisioning Log and wait for the provisioning process to finish before attempting to Force unlock and retry Deploy Infrastructure or Destroy Infrastructure.

Do not Force unlock and Deploy Infrastructure while the provisioning process is still running; doing so will fail and cause unwanted issues.

If the errors persist after trying to redeploy or reconfigure the infrastructure, please contact us.