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Navigating the Marketplace

In the PW Marketplace, you can access pre-configured workflows, storage resources, and compute resources from other users in your organization.

Click your username, then Marketplace.

Screenshot of the user clicking Marketplace from the username dropdown menu.

You’ll be taken to the Marketplace home page.

Screenshot of the Marketplace's home page.

All resource categories are limited to ten items by default. Click View all to see a complete item list.

Use the search bar at the top of the page to find items by creator, type, or name. To filter viewable items, click an item in Filters or Type on the left.

Any Marketplace item with a green check icon is verified by your organization.

Favoriting an Item

This method makes an item's configuration easily accessible when choosing a cluster, workflow, or storage resource.

Favoriting Compute Resources

Click the compute resource you’d like to use.

Screenshot of the user selecting a Marketplace workflow item.

On the next page, click latest to open the dropdown menu of versions. Choose the version you'd like to use.

Screenshot of the user clicking the version arrow.

About Versions

If you select the latest version, your Marketplace item will be updated whenever the item’s creator makes a change or a new version.

Alternatively, you can select any of the versions listed in the dropdown menu. If you use a specific version of an item, it will not be updated in your account if the item’s creator makes changes.

Click the heart icon.

Screenshot of the user clicking the use button.

The icon will turn into a red heart icon. The message Favorited version successfully will appear in the bottom right corner of your screen.

The compute resource's configuration will be available on the Clusters page. When creating a new cluster, click Load from marketplace. The Marketplace configuration will be listed under Favorited Items.

Screenshot of the user clicking the use button.

Favoriting Workflows

Click the worfklow you’d like to use.

Screenshot of the user selecting a Marketplace workflow item.

On the next page, click latest to open the dropdown menu of versions. Choose the version you'd like to use.

Screenshot of the user clicking the version arrow.

About Versions

If you select the latest version, your Marketplace item will be updated whenever the item’s creator makes a change or a new version.

Alternatively, you can select any of the versions listed in the dropdown menu. If you use a specific version of an item, it will not be updated in your account if the item’s creator makes changes.

Click the Use button.

Screenshot of the user clicking the use button.

The Use button will turn green. The message Using version successfully will appear in the bottom right corner of your screen.

The workflow will appear under Marketplace Workflows on your Workflows page. The version number or latest will be included in the item’s Name and Tags.

Screenshot of the workflow appearing on the user's Workflows page.

Favoriting Storage Resources

Click the storage resource you’d like to use.

Screenshot of the user selecting a Marketplace workflow item.

On the next page, click latest to open the dropdown menu of versions. Choose the version you'd like to use.

Screenshot of the user clicking the version arrow.

About Versions

If you select the latest version, your Marketplace item will be updated whenever the item’s creator makes a change or a new version.

Alternatively, you can select any of the versions listed in the dropdown menu. If you use a specific version of an item, it will not be updated in your account if the item’s creator makes changes.

Click the heart icon.

Screenshot of the user clicking the favorite button.

The icon will turn into a red heart icon. The message Favorited version successfully will appear in the bottom right corner of your screen.

The storage resource's configuration will be available on the storage creation page. When creating a new storage resource, click Load from marketplace. The Marketplace configuration will be listed under Favorited Items.

Screenshot of the user clicking the use button.

Forking an Item

This method allows you to copy an item into your PW account and edit it directly in your IDE.

Forking Compute Resources

Click the compute resource you’d like to use.

Screenshot of the user selecting a Marketplace workflow item.

On the next page, click latest to open the dropdown menu of versions. Choose the version you'd like to use.

Screenshot of the user clicking the version arrow.

Click the Fork button.

Screenshot of the user clicking the Fork icon.

A dialog box will appear. Enter a New compute name. Click Fork.

Screenshot of the user clicking the Fork button.

You’ll be taken to the new compute resource's configuration page.

The compute resource will also appear on the Clusters page. The version number you created the fork from will be included in Tags.

Screenshot of the workflow appearing on the user's Workflow's page.

Forking Workflows

Click the workflow you’d like to use.

Screenshot of the user selecting a Marketplace workflow item.

On the next page, click the fork icon.

Screenshot of the user clicking the Fork icon.

A dialog box will appear. Enter a New workflow name. Click Fork.

Screenshot of the user clicking the Fork button.

You’ll be taken to the new workflow's configuration page.

The workflow will also appear on the Workflows page beneath My Workflows.

Forking automatically creates the new item from the latest published version; the version number you created the fork from will be included in Tags.

Screenshot of the workflow appearing on the user's Workflow's page.

Forking Storage Resources

Click the storage resource you’d like to use.

Screenshot of the user selecting a Marketplace workflow item.

On the next page, click latest to open the dropdown menu of versions. Choose the version you'd like to use.

Screenshot of the user clicking the version arrow.

Click the Fork button.

Screenshot of the user clicking the Fork icon.

A dialog box will appear. Enter a New storage name. Click the checkbox if you want your new resource to be Persistent.

Click Fork.

Screenshot of the user clicking the Fork button.

You’ll be taken to the new storage resource's configuration page.

The storage resource will also appear on the Storage page with your other storage resources. The version number you created the fork from will be included in Tags.

Screenshot of the workflow appearing on the user's Workflow's page.

Publishing an Item

You can quickly and easily share an item in your account with other users in your organization.

At the bottom of the Marketplace page, click Publish to Marketplace.

Screenshot of the usering clicking Publish to Marketplace.

On the next page, choose the Item to publish from your account.

Enter a Name. This is the item’s display name and must be a unique value.

Enter a Marketplace Slug. This is a unique identifier that appears at the end of the Marketplace URL when others navigate to the item’s page.

Choose the Privacy level for your item.

When you’re done, click Publish.

Screenshot of the user clicking Publish.

The message Successfully published item will appear in the top right corner of your screen, and you’ll be taken to the item’s Marketplace page.

Screenshot of the new workflow's Marketplace page.

Editing an Item

Click the Marketplace item you’d like to edit.

Screenshot of the user selecting a Marketplace workflow item.

Click the edit icon.

Screenshot of the user clicking the edit icon.

You’ll be taken to the item’s General settings.

Screenshot of the General settings tab.

You can change the same settings that were chosen when the item was created: Name, Marketplace Slug, and Privacy.

Use the Summary field to add a short description that will be displayed beneath the item’s thumbnail on the Marketplace.

Admin Settings
  • If you check Verified, a green checkmark will be displayed next to the item’s name on the Marketplace.
  • If you check Featured, the item will be displayed at the top of the Marketplace for all users in your organization.
  • If you check Publish as Organization, the item’s creator will be your organization’s name instead of your username.

If you click the Description tab, you can add a markdown description that will be displayed on the item’s Marketplace page.

Publishing a New Item Version

Click the Marketplace item you’d like to version.

Screenshot of the user selecting a Marketplace workflow item.

Click the edit icon.

Screenshot of the user clicking the edit icon.

Click Versions.

Screenshot of the user clicking the Versions tab.

Click Publish.

Screenshot of the user clicking the Publish button.

Choose the Resource that will be this item's new verison.

Enter a Version number. This value must start with "v" followed by at least two characters. We recommend the format v0.0.0 to accomodate a range of version changes.

Click Publish version.

Screenshot of the user clicking Publish version.

The message Version published successfully will appear in the top right corner of your screen.

Deleting an Item

Click the Marketplace item you’d like to delete.

Screenshot of the user selecting a Marketplace workflow item.

Click the edit icon.

Screenshot of the user clicking the edit icon.

Click the Delete button.

Screenshot of the user clicking the Delete button.

The message Item deleted successfully will appear in the top right corner of your screen.

Further Reading

For more information about creating workflows, please see Creating Workflows and this blog post from Alvaro Vidal Torreira, one of our senior application engineers.