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Configuring AWS EBS Disk

The configuration parameters on this page are exclusive to AWS Elastic Block Store (EBS) Disks.

Screenshot of configuration settings for AWS EBS Disks.


Use this dropdown menu to select the region that your storage will be deployed into. A region represents a geographic area.


Use this dropdown menu to select the zone to use for your storage. A zone refers to an isolated location inside a region.

We recommend that your storage zone matches the zone of the cluster you’re pairing the storage with.


Use this dropdown menu to select the type of EBS storage.

Generally speaking:

  • gp2, gp3*, io1, and io2 are optimized for frequent read/write operations with small input/output size
  • sc1 and st1 are optimized for large streaming workloads where the dominant performance attribute is throughput
  • standard is suited for workloads with small datasets where data is accessed infrequently and performance is not of primary importance

*Please note that if you select gp3, you'll also need to specify its Throughput.

For more details about these types and their use cases, please see the AWS EBS documentation.

Size (GiB)

Use this field to enter the size of your storage. AWS measures disk capacity in both gibibytes (GiB) and tebibytes (TiB). A gibibyte is equivalent to 1,073,741,824 bytes, or 1.1 gigabytes (GB). A tebibyte is equivalent to 1,099,511,627,776 bytes, or 1.1 terabytes (TB).

For specifics on minimums and maximums for each disk type, please see this AWS page.

Restore Snapshot

Toggle this option to Yes if you want to restore a previously saved disk snapshot. A new dropdown menu, Snapshot, will appear so you can select your snapshot.

For more information about creating snapshots, please see Working With Disk Snapshots.