Configuring Cloud Clusters
Most ACTIVATE users will work exclusively with elastic clusters. These clusters are made up of a controller node and compute nodes, with the controller delegating tasks to the compute nodes.
Clusters have several adjustable parameters for both controller and compute nodes, such as compute instance types and node count. Additionally, compute nodes are grouped together in partitions, which have their own settings. For more information, see Partition Settings below.
ACTIVATE also supports an optional parallel filesystem, Lustre. For more information on setting up Lustre for your account, see Configuring Storage.
Accessing Configuration Settings
You can access a resource’s configuration settings from the Home page. Navigate to the Computing Resources module and click the gear icon for the resource you want to configure.
Alternatively, you can navigate to the Clusters page and click the name of the resource you want to configure.
About the Resource Configuration Page
When you navigate to a cluster's configuration settings, there are four tabs for customization.
By default, you’ll see the Sessions tab when you navigate to configuration settings. This tab shows your previous cluster sessions well as provisioning and deletion logs.
In the Sessions module of this tab, you’ll also be able to see sessions for any attached ephemeral storage resources. If multiple ephemeral storage resources are attached to the cluster, you’ll see a dropdown to select when ephemeral storage logs you’d like to see. The deletion logs for ephemeral storage resources are combined with the cluster deletion logs.
For more information, please see Storage Types.
Use this tab to adjust your cluster's parameters. For more information, see General Settings below.
This tab shows the code version of your resource’s configuration settings. You can manually adjust the parameters seen in the Definition tab.
Use this tab to adjust the display settings of your cluster, including the name, display name, description, tags, and thumbnail.
You can also enable automated alert emails from
by clicking the Enabled toggle button. The field for Interval Hours will appear, and the value you enter here determines how often you'll receive run time alerts.
Use this tab to manage which groups can access your cluster. Your group name(s) will be specific to your organization. For more information, please see Group below.
There are four levels of access:
- Admin grants users the same level of access as the owner of the cluster, including the ability to delete it.
- Writer grants users the ability to edit the cluster’s configuration as well as log in to the cluster.
- Sudo grants users the ability to log in to the cluster with root access via the
command. Root access allows users to do anything inside both the controller and compute nodes. - Login grants users the ability to log in to any compute node on the cluster by using the
command. Users' home directories are created automatically on the first login. Removing this permission revokes access after 30 seconds and kills any active sessions.
Although you can remove sudo access, it is best to reprovision a cluster to ensure access is revoked. This is because once a user has sudo access, they can install software and make changes to the cluster which may not be easily reversible.
About Saving
When you change settings for a cluster, you must click Save Changes.
About Live Updatable Settings
Some settings can be updated while a cluster is running. These settings are marked with a Live Updatable icon.
When you change a live updatable setting, click Save Changes. A dialog box will appear.
Click Save. The Save Changes button will change to Update In Progress. You will not be able to make other changes while the cluster is updating.
If your cluster updated, a notification will appear with the message Cluster [name] configuration updated successfully.
General Settings
Clusters will typically have these settings in the Definition tab of the configuration page.
Cloud Infrastructure
Use this dropdown menu to select the base infrastructure that your organization uses for a specific cloud service provider. If you're not sure which one to select, please contact your organization's administrator.
Use this dropdown menu to select the group name that your organization uses to allocate costs. This menu is especially important if your organization is running multiple groups simultaneously.
If you’re not sure which group to select, you can contact us or your organization’s ACTIVATE administrator.
Controller Settings
These settings define the configuration for the controller node, such as region, instance type, and OS image. Some settings will differ depending on which type of resource you’re using. For more information, see CSP-Specific Settings below.
Use this dropdown menu to select the region that your cluster will deploy computing resources into.
A region represents a geographic area.
Use this dropdown menu to select the zone to use for the controller.
A zone refers to an isolated location inside a region.
Azure clusters do not have a Zone menu.
Root Size (GB)
Use this field to specify the size of the root disk in gigabytes (GB).
Instance Type
Use this dropdown menu to select the instance type of the controller. The instance type determines the CPUs and amount of memory available on the machine. Certain instance types may also have specialty hardware, such as GPUs or low-latency networking options.
To see a list of avaialable instance types and their cost per hour, click See all sizes. From the instance type list, you can click an option to select it.
For more information about instance types and what they mean, please see Choosing Instance Types.
Use this dropdown menu to select the operating system (OS) image for the cluster's controller node.
If you're not sure which image to pick, we recommend using the latest version because this will ensure you have the most up-to-date software on your cluster; the latest image version includes OS updates and software required to connect to the ACTIVATE control plane.
You can also use this dropdown menu to select custom cloud snapshots.
CSP-Specific Settings
Each cloud service provider (CSP) builds and configures their resources differently. Clusters on ACTIVATE have settings that correspond to each CSP’s model of cloud services. The CSP-specific parameters are outlined below.
Please note that these CSP-specific settings will also appear as options inside the partition settings on clusters.
Tier 1
Use this toggle button to enable Tier 1, which increases maximum egress bandwidth (upload speed) to 50–100 Gps, depending on the size of the instance. If Tier 1 is off, the egress bandwidth will range from 10–32 Gbps.
For more information, see the Google documentation on Tier 1.
Partition Settings Live Updatable
You can create partitions in clusters to send your work to homogenously configured sets of worker nodes.
If you click + Add Partition, a list of new settings will appear. Typically, a partition will have the following configuration options. Some settings will differ depending on which type of resource you’re using. For more information, see CSP-Specific Settings below.
Use this field to name your partition. You must use a unique name for each partition you create.
Instance Type
Use this dropdown menu to select the configuration of the partition. These options work in the same way that the controller instance types do.
Max Nodes
Use this field to enter the max number of nodes in a partition.
Elastic Image
Use this dropdown menu to select the operating system image for the partition. We recommend using the latest version.
Use this dropdown menu to select the zone within your selected region.
Your partition's zone must be the same as your controller's zone.
Use this toggle button to specify whether a partition is the default location for running jobs. For more information on running jobs on specific partitions, see Submitting Jobs.
This feature is important if you create multiple partitions. If you only create one partition, it will automatically be set to Default and cannot be changed, as shown in the screenshot above.
Use Placement Group
Currently available only on AWS and Google clusters.
Use this toggle button to enable the partition's instances to be launched as a placement group.
Typically, partition instances are launched throughout a zone. This strategy minimizes the chances of disprupting users' work: if one of the instances fails, especially from an outage or damage, the other instances are likely to remain unaffected.
With a placement group, the instances are instead launched close together. This strategy can improve network performance and is best suited for jobs that are small, short, or will not be affected by interruptions.
For AWS clusters, this setting is enabled by default.
Use this toggle button to specify whether a partition is a preemptible instance. Preemptible instances can be cost effective because they make use of resources that are already available but currently unused.
However, preemptible instances can be disrupted because another user can take over that available resource at any time. For this reason, we recommend using preemptible instances at your own risk.
Capacity Reservation*
Before you can use a capacity reservation on ACTIVATE, it must first be configured by an administrator in your organization. After this initial step, your administrator can distribute the values for Reservation ID and, if necessary, Placement Group.
Use this toggle button to enable on-demand capacity reservations, which reserve a set amount of compute capacity.
When Capacity Reservation is enabled, a Reservation ID dropdown menu will appear. For AWS, you will also enter the Placement Group.
Attached Filesystems Settings
Use this section to attach any of your configured storage resources. For more information, please see Attaching Storage.
Advanced Settings
Script Settings
Optionally, you can set scripts to execute when you start a cluster.
User Bootstrap
Use this text box to set a script that executes once a controller node has started. For example, you can set files to automatically move into a specific folder.
Bootstrap Controller
Use this toggle button to specify whether your bootstrap script will run on the controller node.
Bootstrap Compute Nodes
Use this toggle button to specify whether your bootstrap script will run on compute nodes.
Health Check
Use this text box to set a script that runs a health check on a controller node. When the script is done running, you’ll see any error codes in red or an exit code of 0
in green if there are no errors.
For more information, see Health Checks (coming soon).
Slurm Settings
ACTIVATE uses Slurm to manage jobs on controller and compute nodes. The settings below determine how Slurm behaves for your cluster's nodes.
Please note that numerical values you enter in these fields are measured in seconds.
Suspend Time
Use this field to set how long Slurm will wait before shutting down idle nodes. This field is set to 300
by default.
Resume Timeout
Use this field to set the maximum amount of time Slurm will try to start nodes. If the nodes don’t start by the end of the set time, Slurm will end the initialization attempt. This field is set to 1200
by default.
Suspend Timeout
Use this field to set how long Slurm will wait to make nodes available again after shutting them down. This field is set to 300
by default.
Return To Service
Use this dropdown menu to select when down nodes are returned to service.
The Non Responsive
option means that down nodes will become available only if they were set to down because they were non-responsive.
The Any Reason
option means that down nodes will become available if they were set to down for any reason, including low memory, an unexpected reboot, or being non-responsive.
This field is set to Non Responsive
by default.
Load From Market
You can load pre-configured settings from existing resources in the Marketplace.
First, add an item from the Marketplace.
Next, create a new resource or navigate to an existing resource's settings. Click Load From Market.
After you click Load From Market, a dialog box will appear. Choose your resource from the dropdown menu, then click Restore.