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Customizing Layouts

You can customize both your home page and your sidebar layouts by adding, removing, and reordering items.

Customizing the Home Page

On the Home page, click Customize.

Screenshot of the user clicking the Customize button on the Home page.

Move Modules

Move your cursor over a module until it becomes the directional arrows icon. Click to drag and drop a module anywhere in the grid.

Resize Modules

Move your cursor to the bottom-right corner of a module until it becomes the diagonal arrow icon. Click, drag, and drop the corner to resize the module.

Rename Modules

Click the edit icon.

Screenshot of the user clicking the edit icon on a module.

Enter a new name for the module. Click the checkmark icon.

Screenshot of the user clicking the checkmark icon on a module.

Add Modules

Click + Add Widget.

Screenshot of the user clicking the delete icon on a module.

A panel will appear with the available modules. Click, drag, and drop a module into the grid to add it.

Delete Modules

Click the delete icon.

Screenshot of the user clicking the delete icon on a module.

Filter Data

Some modules allow for further customization. Click the menu icon.

Screenshot of the user clicking the three dots icon on a module.

The available options will depend on the module. For example, the workflow module lets users choose whether they want it to display apps, worfklows, or both.

After making your changes, click the menu icon again.

Restore Defaults

If you want to revert your changes, click Restore defaults.

Screenshot of the user clicking the Restore button.

Save Changes

When you're done making changes, click Done.

Screenshot of the user clicking the Done button.

Customizing the Sidebar

At the bottom of the sidebar, click the gear icon. Alternatively, navigate to Account > Sidebar.

Screenshot of the user clicking the gear icon in the sidebar.

In Sidebar Settings, you can uncheck boxes to remove items. Click Reset to default to undo your changes.

Screenshot of the user clicking the gear icon in the sidebar.


Please note that your administrator can remove items from the default sidebar's options. You may not have access to all of the items in the screenshot above.