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Workflow Files

Change or Remove Default Files

When you create a new workflow, you'll find placeholder files within your ACTIVATE account. These files can serve as examples for you to develop your own workflows. Feel free to modify them according to your needs, or if you prefer, you can delete them.

You can delete files by right-clicking on them on the Editor page and selecting Delete, or you can use a terminal with the following steps.

Navigate to the Editor page.

Screenshot of the user clicking the Editor in the navigation panel.

Click Terminal then New Terminal.

Screenshot of the user clicking New Terminal in the Terminal dropdown menu.

A new terminal will open on the bottom half of the screen.

Screenshot of a new terminal on ACTIVATE.

Enter the command cd to navigate to your new workflow’s folder (in this case, workflow2):

demo@pw-user-demo:/pw$ cd workflows/workflow2

Enter the command ls to see the files in your workflow’s folder:

demo@pw-user-demo:~/pw/workflows/workflow2$ ls

Enter the command rm * to delete all the file(s) in that directory. Enter ls to confirm the folder is now empty.

Add Files

While still in your workflow’s folder, you can create or add any additional workflow files.

Alternatively, you can clone a repository with the command git clone <repoURL> .(including the trailing period). In this example, we used the repository for the ACTIVATE workflow SSH Bash Demo, and entered git clone ..

This process will create a copy of the repository files in your containerized ACTIVATE workspace (i.e., the IDE). Your terminal will display the following message:

Cloning into '.'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 123, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (32/32), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (11/11), done.
remote: Total 123 (delta 24), reused 24 (delta 21), pack-reused 91
Receiving objects: 100% (123/123), 41.25 KiB | 1.65 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (60/60), done.
demo@pw-user-demo:~/pw/workflows/workflow2$ can be anywhere inside a workflow's directory.

Now you can run your workflow.

About Local Workflows

By cloning a git repository, you’ll be able to push and pull files from this clone.

However, if you choose to share this workflow on the Marketplace, the git tracking information will be lost. Other users who get your workflow from the Marketplace will only see a copy of the files in the state that they were shared to the Marketplace.

You can easily update your workflow on the Marketplace by un-sharing and then re-sharing it after any changes; however, there is no guarantee that other users will update their own copies of your workflow.