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pw buckets ls

List buckets or files


The pw buckets ls command can be used with or without arguments.

When no arguments are provided, all buckets are listed.

If you provide a namespace, all buckets in that namespace will be listed. If you provide a namespace and bucket name, the files in the bucket will be listed.

You can list individual directories in the bucket by providing the full path to the directory.

This command also supports using the same CSP URI format accepted by CSP CLIs. For more information about URIs, please see this section.

pw buckets ls [bucketURI] [flags]


  # List all buckets
pw buckets ls

# List all buckets in a namespace
pw buckets ls pw://[namespace]

# List files in a bucket
pw buckets ls pw://[namespace]/[bucket]

# List files in a bucket, using the AWS URI format
pw buckets ls s3://[aws-bucket-name]

# List files in a bucket, using the Google URI format
pw buckets ls gs://[google-bucket-name]

# List files in a bucket, using the Azure URI format
pw buckets ls https://[azure-bucket-name][azure-bucket-name]

# List all buckets you have access to, displayed as a table
# Tables display URI, CSP, provisioning status, and CSP URI
pw buckets ls -o table

# List currently provisioned buckets with csp URIs
pw buckets ls --csp-uris


      --csp-uris               Show CSP URIs
-o, --output OUTPUT_FORMAT Output format. One of: list, json, table (default list)

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbose   Enable verbose logging