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pw buckets cp

Copy files between local and buckets


The pw buckets cp command must be followed by a source and a destionation. The source and destination can be either a local file or a bucket URI.

Both PW URIs and CSP URIs are accepted. For more information about URIs, please see this section.

When copying to/from a bucket with a PW URI, you must specify at least the bucket name. However, paths can be longer, such as pw://[namespace]/[bucket-name]/[folder]/[folder2]/[folder3]/[file-name].

pw buckets cp [source] [destination] [flags]


  # Upload a local file named sample.txt to a bucket named demos3bucket in the demo namespace
pw buckets cp sample.txt pw://demo/demos3bucket

# Download a file named sample.txt to a local file
pw buckets cp pw://demo/demos3bucket/sample.txt sample2.txt

# Download a file from Azure Blob Storage to a local folder, using the Azure URI
pw buckets cp sample2.txt

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbose   Enable verbose logging